1. Individuals who wish to file a complaint against an architect registered in West Virginia should utilize the complaint form (see below).
2. The form should be accompanied by supporting documentation, signed, and mailed to the Board Office.
3. Upon receipt of the complaint, it will be reviewed and evaluated by the Board to determine if the matter falls within the Board’s jurisdiction, if it states sufficient
grounds to support disciplinary action, or if more information is required.
4. Unless the complaint is summarily determined to be outside the Board’s jurisdiction or fails to state sufficient grounds to support any action by the Board, the Board
will forward the complaint, supporting documentation, and alleged violation to the architect for his or her written response within 30 days.
5. The Board conducts reasonable inquiry or investigation to determine the truth and validity of the allegations of the complaint. Such inquiry may include assigning
the matter to an investigator to report to the Board.
6. As a result of inquiry and/or investigation, the Board establishes if there is probable cause to warrant further proceedings or disciplinary action.
7. If probable cause is found, a hearing will be scheduled.